Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Teen is getting a pair of Thuja socks out of some Jitterbug he winnowed out of the stash. He gave me those begging eyes. So, even though he CUT (with a scissors!) a loose thread on the last pair of socks I gave him (requiring some major repair on mom's part), I have cast these on. Don't worry, this particular male will NEVER do such a thing again.
Wow, I just realized it's been five days since I posted!
I have been busy with hockey and sleepovers and shopping and wrapping and planning and....
well, you all know, right? I'm actually rather on Miss T's plan of the half-assed Christmas at my house. It was just the right time for it.
We are buried under a few more inches of snow, which should make the little driving I have to do today rather uncomfortable. If I can tear myself away from my latest time-suck, I may actually pull this whole thing off.
If I don't get my lazy behind over here to wish you a Happy Holiday, well, there it is. Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah!
ETA: Did everyone get to download their 5 Free Sock Pattern e-books? Right here.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuba Christmas Jingle Bells St Paul MN
The video is dark and the audio is spotty - but Teen is in here with 96 other Tubas, Baritones and Euphoniums playing a (kinda) scary version of Jingle Bells. It gets really fun around 1:28.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tony and Freddie would like to say "Hello."
Note: These socks saw me through a rough time - I wasn't getting much done, so I needed a project that was quick and easy. I have one sleeve left on my Oh, Baby! sweater and I have cast on for the Ingenue and a pair of socks for Teen this morning. Nothing like finishing a project to light the fires!
How about another SAT question? This one's harder!
If x + 2x is 5 more than y + 2y, then x – y =
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Now that Teen is studying for his SAT's, we get a daily email:
Though its early history is not fully known, origami, the art of folding objects out of paper without cutting, pasting, or decorating, seems that it had developed from the older art of folding cloth.
(Anyone else watching Eli Stone this season? I LOVE Patty.)
She sent me some Faery Fiber Sock Yarn - the blue and yellow one is the Cedric colorway, the little on is a Hufflepuff mini-skein.
There's a Harry Potter picture book there in the back and the last thing in the bottom of the box was the book you see in the corner - with a Harry Potter bookmark in it!
Thanks Brimley - you have provided me with weeks of fun!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Teen is playing this afternoon.
That, and how the Vikings and the Gophers have been playing this weekend!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Pattern: Conversational from Terry Ross Designs Yarn: LuLu's Yarns Supersock Merino Needles: Knitpicks Harmony DPN's US 2.5/1.5 mm Started: November 23, 2008 Completed: December 7, 2008.
Note: These socks took me FOREVER! Nothing wrong with the pattern, and the yarn is fine. It was a four-row repeat and for some reason I hated it! (Maybe it was the purling?)
Also? My HSKS 6 package has arrived at last!
Here is an idea of all the goodies that were inside. It deserves it's own post so I will get to that later this week. Needless to say, she gave me lots of lovely chocolate and yarn!! Thank you so much Brimley!! I've never had Treacle before and am saving it for a treat!
Can I brag about the Teen for just a minute? It's just that I'm SO excited for him. He got his PSAT results back yesterday and he has scored in the top 1% of all Juniors in the country that have taken the PSAT this Fall. Yea Baby! Here's hopin' all your college dreams come true!!!
(That means he is a semi-finalist to be a National Merit Scholar - he has to be in the upper half of that 1% to be a finalist.)
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Senja! from Imagine Knit!
Senja - I have sent you an email - let me know your address and a lovely package will be on it's way to you!
Monday, December 08, 2008
I did indeed have an FO today, however, the photo I took was less than stellar. So instead I'm going to show you my Peppermint Patty Sock Kit which I received from Woolgirl.com today.
Right there in the middle is a peppermint stitch marker from Sunneshine's Stitch Markers. There's a peppermint pen in there, Peppermint Sweet Stripe candies and Peppermint chocolates along with some hot cocoa. The little green mesh bag in the back contains a Peppermint Patty Soap Bar and lip gloss from Naiad Soap Arts.
PS - Puck's team took Second place in the tournament this weekend. Again, the final match was against a ginormous sized bunch of kids - however this group could actually skate - and skate well.
Friday, December 05, 2008
and I beg your forgiveness (read on, maybe I can make it up to you).
As promised, here is the yarn:
Also? Do you like my little bag box? I took that off of Valerie's hands last week. Val at Knitting in Pink. She's making up a whole bunch of really cute little bags and she's got a bunch for sale right now.
I gotta go pack the hockey bags, folks! I'll be back with photos and news and a winner next week!
ETA: So, I got this email today from the High School Principal regarding class rank:
Class Rank
For the past several years we have heard from students and families, and from student responses on the Minnesota Student Survey, that our students experience a great deal of stress over their academic performance. One of the most common "stress scenarios" occurs when a student takes a rigorous program of studies, earns solid grades, and finds him/herself in a disappointing position of class rank. Students have found that tiny variations in GPA have profound effects on class rank. Using last year's senior class as an example, a student with a 3.89 GPA is not in the top 10% of the class. Given this situation, we would like to explore whether EPHS should stop reporting class rank on our transcripts. This is a move an increasing number of high schools are making across the country. In the past two years, Edina, Minnetonka, and Wayzata have stopped reporting class rank. We will be forming a task force to explore this question. I will be sending home more information on this, but I wanted to take advantage of our conference nights to give parents a chance to share impressions and ask questions about this idea. I will be staffing a table at conferences where parents can visit about class rank. I will be at this table from 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. on both conference nights. Feel free to stop by and visit with me about this topic.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Today We Are A Hockey Blog
Puck is #16
(You should've seen the size of those St Paul boys - what are they feeding them?)
Coming soon to this location - yarn.
(hah! Not surprised, are you?)