Friday, December 05, 2008
and I beg your forgiveness (read on, maybe I can make it up to you).
As promised, here is the yarn:
Also? Do you like my little bag box? I took that off of Valerie's hands last week. Val at Knitting in Pink. She's making up a whole bunch of really cute little bags and she's got a bunch for sale right now.
I gotta go pack the hockey bags, folks! I'll be back with photos and news and a winner next week!
ETA: So, I got this email today from the High School Principal regarding class rank:
Class Rank
For the past several years we have heard from students and families, and from student responses on the Minnesota Student Survey, that our students experience a great deal of stress over their academic performance. One of the most common "stress scenarios" occurs when a student takes a rigorous program of studies, earns solid grades, and finds him/herself in a disappointing position of class rank. Students have found that tiny variations in GPA have profound effects on class rank. Using last year's senior class as an example, a student with a 3.89 GPA is not in the top 10% of the class. Given this situation, we would like to explore whether EPHS should stop reporting class rank on our transcripts. This is a move an increasing number of high schools are making across the country. In the past two years, Edina, Minnetonka, and Wayzata have stopped reporting class rank. We will be forming a task force to explore this question. I will be sending home more information on this, but I wanted to take advantage of our conference nights to give parents a chance to share impressions and ask questions about this idea. I will be staffing a table at conferences where parents can visit about class rank. I will be at this table from 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. on both conference nights. Feel free to stop by and visit with me about this topic.
As someone who took advanced & AP classes in HS it drove me absolutely batcrap crazy that someone who took tons of fluffy classes and stayed in the easier general classes could be ranked higher than me when clearly I was a better more knowledgeable student. Doing away with class rank isn't a new concept but I think weighting courses would be a better idea. - Also colleges look at so much more than class rank, so if you are applying to a rigorous college that is difficult to get into they will look more closely at course work and hardly notice the class rankings.
Last night I nearly acquired some Pagewood Farms sock yarn - Double Ewe has it in a wild pink colorway & this really awesome orange/beige color that is fantastic!
Good luck on the ice this weekend - we are also all ice all weekend.
Verification: reesses - and I am suddenly craving a peanut butter cup.
Besides, some pupils/students just seem to have to look in a book to know enough and get high results. Others work for days in a row.
I can imagine if a child has negative fear of failure classranking can easily cause an enormous stress.
Well, these are my two eurocents from the other side of the world - so different our worlds, but we all like you beautiful yarns and socks.
I know zippo about class ranking. If they did that in the dark days I went to school, I was oblivious. (I just wanted my B average to keep my phone in my room.) so I'm no help to you at all.
Likewise, a high GPA doesn't necessarily insure that the student will be successful in life.
If class rank is unavailable, for most institutions, it won't hurt a student; they'll look at other factors. If it *is* available, and it's not within the bounds of what's considered "good" for that institution, it will never be the only measure considered - the rigor of courses taken, test scores, essays, other submitted materials, etc. If provided, class rank is one of many measures considered by college administrators, but no admissions decision is ever based on one measure of student performance or potential. Ever.
I could (but won't) go on about the research findings related to success in college (they're useful, but never, ever the whole picture.. ever. Ever, ever.), but in truth the thing that matters most in terms of success in college is the desire to be there. Much like anything else in this world. *shrug*
Mmm - that Stonechat is lovely! Heh, I think I'm in the same boat as you - I don't really knit lace, but I sure do have some pretty lace yarn...
As for that grade inflation, thank those helicopter parents out there.
That lace yarn - sure must be nice to turn down laceweight!
As a homeschooler, all my kids are the top ranking student in their class (giggle). I can't chime in on the ranking issue but weighting courses seems like the logical solution to me.
I love to knit lace. And I look fabulous in red. (wink) Oh, and I can pick it up and save you postage. (wink, wink)
Love the lace yarn. I can't believe you're not into lace but I suppose that just leaves more lace yarn for the rest of us! ;-)
We were concerned because of the new school, which was planned to be 'gradeless'. However, with the commentary transcripts they provided, his SAT/ACTs, and his extracurricular participation, he was accepted to every school he applied to, and offered scholarships. He had no class rankings and I don't feel he suffered...
While class rankings are certainly something colleges use to evaluate potential students, they also have a number of other things with which to evaluate them.
Heck, to be honest, with the economy the way it is, I think most colleges will just be glad to have students applying at all! Even with scholarships and aid, it's still horrendously expensive.
And the class ranking thing . . . I didn't even know they did that.
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