Wednesday, June 06, 2007

April/May Project Spectrum: Pink, Green and Yellow

ETA: Top to bottom, left to right. 1. The Bam Boo mess pre-completion. 2. My Charade sock. 3. My new Bleeding Heart plant. 4. My Spritely Goods sock. 5. Sock Madness Mad Weave sock in Vesper Crew. 6. Um...another new plant. 7. My Pink Zebra Socks 8. Roza's socks in Yarntini merino blend.

There are 24 days left in June and 15 days in July - has every 90 days seemed so long? My wish list is growing, but I'm also excited about the projects I have planned from my stash.

Our little 5/6 Lacrosse team played the mighty Hornets tonight and won 4-3. They are now 2-0-0 and 8 more games until the playoffs. For a mom, it's kind of scary to watch your average sized fifth grader get onto a Lacrosse field lined up against a team made up of mostly 6th graders, with a couple kids who are easily two heads taller than your guy on the other team. Put them out there with long metal poles to whack at each other (which is mostly legal) and all you can do is hope somebody gives you a whistle. (Ha! They made me Timekeeper so I had the horn!) Some of the best officiating we've had in years too, thank goodness. The Hornets had only had two practices and they hadn't been taught how to legally use their poles. Whew! Luckily, Puck is one of the toughest little sprouts who's ever been given a six foot pole to play with. Yay. Rah. Eagles!

Great pics. Are they things you've knit or want to? I love the pink and black stripe socks.
The Roza socks are very pretty, too.
Gorgeous montage of April/May!

Yikes - lacrosse kinda scares me. :)
Lovely photos! Congrats to the Eagles!
Go Eagles! (don't tell anyone I said that - I'm a Skipper.)

We have our boys in Baseball and there is one NIGHTMARE parent who I am thinking of having a little chat with (he throws bats during the 2nd graders games . . . duh! What an idiot!!)

It's fun to see all your finished and progressing projects (and plants)! Stay strong - you can make it.
PS. So on day 90, are you going on a yarn binge?
Aren't you allowed to cheat once???? No, of course not. You don't need that? It's only a few days and there will be so much space for new stash! And not only space, but you will be overjoyed. This is the difficult point... you can do it. I know.
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