Monday, October 03, 2011

Well this is just becoming ridiculous!

Actually, it has been ridiculous for quite a while.  I must just be terribly busy with my normal life to be missing out on blogging for an entire month!   It's not like I've been enjoying the local sports scene or anything.  I mean.  Seriously?  The Twins, the Vikings, youch?  In the meantime, coming off of the needles has been this:

Pattern:  Wingmen Men's Sock by Wendy Gaal  Yarn: Knitters Brewing Company Sock-aholic    Color:  Last Call and Butterscotch Schnaaps   Needles:  US 1 - 2.25 mm  Started:  August 6, 2011  Completed: September 14, 2011  Note: I seem to be clothing the college boy entirely in hand-knitted items.  These went directly on his feet, and the next item I finished went directly on his back.  It's rather delightful to have my gifts so well received.

So here you go off into the ether little blog post.  Let's see if anyone is still reading!

lovely fall socks!
Is it just me, or when the kids get bigger and should in theory take less of our time, they suddenly take more & it's harder to account for? I find myself perplexed at where entire weekends went and have nothing concrete to account for what I've been up to. Very bizarre.
Gorgeous socks!!

I don't know where the time goes, either. *sigh*
Does he take care of the KOs? My daughter comes home and leaves sad scrunched up piles of hand knit socks around. Eventually, I feel bad and wash them. But I think I am going to start taking them back . . .

Lovely colors, BTW! Ravenclaw colors, I think!
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