Friday, August 07, 2009

The New Blob:

I finally buckled down and cast on the Sixteen-Button Cardigan by Cecily Glowik from IK's Simple Style book. This one knits from the bottom up and I've already knit up to where you knit the sleeves and they get knit into the sweater all in one piece (yay - no seams!) Copine is just reinforcing my hatred of seams. I'm slowly working on the seaming an inch or two at a time. I've started Acer's sleeves as well so it's a dead heat as which cardi will get finished first.

I love the color! You'll have a completely new wardrobe for this winter at the rate you're going!

enjoy the last few weeks 'up north'!

You're my kind of seamer!
Inch by inch!
Looks like a cool pattern, and a great opportunity for button purchasing.
Oh, you yarn flirt! Leaving one cardigan for another - practically at the altar!
Great color!
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