Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This Would Be The Sock I Finished Last Week...

I actually started this pair before SOS08 started, so they've been on the back burner, but I just decided to pull it out because I love the yarn so much.

I still have another to knit, but I want to get through the Ravelympics first. In the meantime, I'm watchin' some Beach Volleyball, and watching some green skies come rolling in.

The kids got back-to-school haircuts today. The dentist appointments are tomorrow. Friday is the 12-year-old physical for Puck. In the meantime, we are trying to get the High School schedule straightened out. Also? The Teen has the Jeep out in the rainstorm - with the top off. Sheesh...

Pretty sock! Yeah, the sky sure turned an ominous color there during the deluge, didn't it?! How did the Jeep fare?
Had to pull off the freeway last night due to the rain - it was WILD! Hope the Jeep made it out okay...
Plus - I see a Sanford book on the table! Which one?
My Miata has drain plugs in the floor. Perhaps the Jeep has the same thing?
What is that beautiful yarn?
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