Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Am Breaking My Own Rule:
(I don't typically show you my kids' faces...but come on!)

This is out in Amherst - look at that kid battle! Do not mess with the kid with the long pole!

Look at that face, I know I'm the mom, but I think he is a very handsome young man.

I love my first Knit Ditty so much, I went back to Sew Bendy and bought a second one. I'm not going to keep it, it's a Christmas gift, but I am tempted. It's the perfect size for one pair of socks and dangles perfectly from your wrist.

Finally - a Guinifer-ette! And he and the bag are adorable!!
A kidlett! A Kidlett!
Thats an awful nice looking bag & kidlett!
*gasp* A member of your family who has a face?!? ;P

Cute bag! Too bad I need to have zippers on all my bags...
Cute bag! I should stay away, but I'll bookmark the shop just in case... : )
Cute bag...not looking at shop...
What a handsome fella! Good work out there on the field!

Pretty pretty bag!

OH TODAY YOU BRING YOUR PUP HOME! If you see Leo, give him some lovin'!!
Sure, he's handsome and the bag is cute!
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