Friday, July 20, 2007

Bloglines is Insane!

Seriously, blogs are popping up all over with 5-20 new posts. What is up with that?

So I know some of you have read elsewhere about a little shopping trip. I came out from behind my alias and met up with a couple other bloggers. (Yea, Guinifer is NOT my real name - when I signed up for this blog a really long time ago some people were concerned about axe murderers and stuff).

Anyway, Coldwater is having their big Sidewalk Sale and we shopped (well, I shopped, these guys just dabbled - seriously - three sweaters' worth)! Ha! I'm not even going to show you that today because my Cider Moon order came! But this? This is some seriously scrumptious hand-dyed loveliness from my new real-life friend Deb over at Wound Too Tight! Deb called this colorway "I Would Have Bought It Even During My Yarn Diet"! Yay - thank you so much Deb. Again, Knittahs Rule! Who else would bring presents to a Virtual Stranger? Send happy wishes to Deb who is getting ready to be invaded my her family soon.

Cider Moon's new Blizzard yarn in Pistachio:

And "Apple Crisp":
And I won the drawing for Best SP10 Pal and Robyn sent me two new sock patterns that I don't have (hard to believe - you should see my sock pattern notebook). I got Seize Diamondbacks by John Brinegar at and Feather Pluckin' by Erin Vaughan at

Other than the email, the vendor emails have been slow this week. Probably a good thing? Huge Lacrosse tournament this weekend and next. Puck's 5/6 team did not make it to the Championships but the other two teams from EP are coming in strong so I'll be in the snack vendor booth at Flying Cloud - anybody wanna buy an Eagles Lacrosse tee-shirt?

You pick the most beautiful sock yarns out!!!! Did you get a Maruca bag this week????
I'm sorry I missed the sidewalk sale...@(*#&$@&. !!! And I'm even sorrier I didn't meet you gals. DRAT!
Glad you mentioned Bloglines going wacky because I was beginning to wonder if it was me!
Bloglines is driving me mad today! I about had a heart attack this morning when I had 300 unread posts - 'cos I had 0 at 10 pm last night.

Oh, what a gorgeous colorway from Deb! She has a good eye for color. Must meet YOU sometime, too!
Bloglines is driving me crazy too!! Why is it so flukey? I just don't understand.
Shopping was only half the fun! Have fun at the tourney Go Eagles!!
I'll be shopping that sale today! I can't wait to see what you got.
Gorgeous yarns!
Whew! I thought I was the only one having problems with Bloglines...
It's so nice to see everyone else is having blogline problems and I wasn't picked out for this "special" honor.
So - if guinifer isn't your real name do we ever get to find out what it is?!?!
When I opened Bloglines a couple days ago it told me there were, like, 500+ unread posts. WTF? I was so intimidated I hid under the bed.
Nice yarns...and success with bloglines...
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