Friday, May 18, 2007

Very short post today.

58 days left.Look, I am on Oxycodone for my migraine this morning - I have been making freeform yarncake art.

Ruby Sapphire updated their handpainted yesterday.
Also, Adam from the Yarn Nerd is gearing up for a Summer of Dying and he has some mini skeins for sale for only $10.
We won 17 to 7 last night - another game tonight! Yay Eagles!

Have a great weekend - I will be attending Lacrosse games, if I bounce back from this headache.

Hope you feel better soon!!
Hang in there, been there done that. :-)
I hope the headache is better soon. It is headache season.
And I just tagged you for the 7 things meme.
It can't be said enough: hope your headache is better soon.
Yay, Eagles. Boo migraine. Hope it passed quickly so you could enjoy the weekend.
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