Thursday, February 01, 2007

Did I mention moments of Weakness?

Etsy is a bad place for me.

Yarn Ahoy (who has just updated her sock yarn this week), has some of the most vividly colored yarn you could find. It makes me happy just to look at it. I ordered this last week after a new update. I can hardly wait to get started using this.

Fearless Fibers also has some great springy colors. I just checked her store today and she's updated some muted tone-on-tone colors. The yarn is fantastic, and she's got a really great price for hand-dyed yarn. I actually ordered this a couple weeks ago.

That yellow and pink are making me think Easter....

Temptation, thy name is Etsy.

I love Yarn Ahoy yarns too, And you are soo bad, I already placed an etsy order today. And now I am looking at Fearless Fibers. I must be strong.....
Pretty! I'm just going to pretend that etsy is broken...
Etsy, dangerous for me as well!
You are so, so evil! Oh, the beautiful brightness of the Yarn Ahoy yarn, I must not indulge YET AGAIN!
Don't you be tempting me! I'm half on the No-New-Yarn-This-Year bandwagon. I've been waffling and you're pushing me off the wagon.

I'm your partner in the Winter Scarf Knit Swap!! I thought I would drop by and check out your blog and to ask you a few questions! lol
such as:
fav colours?
fav yarns?
any allergies?

I hope you enjoy your package I'll be sending to time you hear from me 'I'll' be in your mailbox!!..Lol..

Hello Guinifer,

I'm behind on my blog reading. You sure have been doing some knitting. Love the Slouch Socks and can't wait to see the socks you make out of the new yarns. Good to see bright colors as winter drags on.

Hope your house is getting fixed.
I've managed to avoid etsy so far. I'm trying to keep it that way.
I really like the brown and green yarn, normally I don't like much of anything in brown but that's nice.

That hat I made? It's from a kids pattern that a friend revised. I just made larger to fit the guy's head. I'll email it to you later this coming week. It was easy!

Hope you're staying warm. We went to David Fong's for dinner tonight and I sure didn't want to go back outside after. Holy moley.

Later gator!
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