Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It is a NEW morning!!

Only 80 degrees and my a/c capacitor is fixed! Yay! Thank you CenterPoint Energy Plus!

Puck took off (yes, hair on fire), before I could get a photo of the new wheels. Something about ten year old boys and moving objects. He doesn't stop until he meets that immoveable object (his bed), at the end of the day.

Not much knitting today for me. I've got to deliver a cabin key to Mom. She and her BFF from high school are staying at our place in Wisconsin next week. They will be kickin' it old school, literally!

Tonight, DH is having a little Poker Party (so I actually will get some knitting in, because there is no sleeping happening during these events).

Thanks to Knittymama for the suggestions for my neighbor. I do believe my stash can more than cover anything I might come up with for her.


New wheels are for spinning not posing for pictures mom! Have you thought of going to Let's Dish! or one of the other food prep places for your neighbor? I'm sure any handknitted item would be appreciated.
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